Arctic storm and arctic fox

From 1.950 kr


This picture is taken 13th of May, 2020 and that year’s latest winter storm! It had been a long and difficult winter for the arctic fox. The Svalbard reindeer had managed the winter quite good and most of them have survived the arctic winter. The fox need to find at reindeer carcasses or two, to survive, but that winter, many of the last years puppy’s had died, so when we got this late winter storm, in midt May, things got worst for the foxes.  I had placed my self out, not so far an old carcasses, and hoping for a fox to come. I couldn’t sit there any longer, wet snow was covering both me and my camera gear and i had just decided to go, when the fox suddenly was coming out of the storm and straight on me. I got my picture that day and went luckily home, to my varm house. Safe and warm at home, i felt sorry for the fox, who was fighting to survive, out there in the wilderness.

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Additional information

A2: 420 mm x 594 mm


A3: 297 mm x 420 mm